علم الترجمة The Science of Translation

The Science of Translation
علم الترجمة 
(an introduction,
with reference to Arabic-English
and English-Arabic translation)
Part I :
Unit 1 : The Language of Abstractions : Is it universal ? ..
3.Unit 2 : Semantic changes in the lexical item .
 Unit 3 : Synchronic Vs Diachronic approaches .
 Unit 4 : Conceptual frameworks reflected in the style .
 Unit 5 : Arabic Abstract Style : translation problems .
 Unit 6 : Limits of interpretation in translation .
 Unit 7 : Communicating the sense : the problems .
 Unit 8 : What is “translation style”
Part  II  :  The  interaction  of  Arabo-Islamic  Culture  with
European  Cultures,  by  Professor  M.  Hamdy
Unit 9 :An Overview
 Unit 10 : Philosophy and Logic .
 Unit 11 : Literature
 Unit 12 : Science, mathematics and astronomy
 Unit 13 : Geography
 Unit 14 : Medicine
Unit 15 : Equal interaction based on the indivisibilityof knowledge and thought
Unit 16 : Mediterranean Culture
 Unit 17 : The Idea of Difference
 Unit 18 : On the Sublime
Part III : On Class : How to translate academic style into
Arabic ?
Unit 19 : Class .
 Unit 20 : Economic classes .
 Unit 21 : Political classes .
 Unit 22 : Cultural classes .
 Unit 23 : Integrative Versus analytical approach .

 Unit 24 : Social Class in empirical sociology
    The Science of Translation                                              
The Science of Translation                                                                    

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